Explain the Features, Goals and Trends in New Public Administration.

The New Public Administration rejects the definition as value free. The study of formal organization, its structures and processes is of secondary importance to the new theorists. With the changing times, it sought to have organizational changes.

The New Public Administration was to have increasing orientation towards changing reality. It was to influence policies which can improve the quality of working life, as well as have competence to implement such polices. This new administration was to have more orientation towards measuring the impact of laws on citizens rather than resting content with their mechanical application. It was to be more normative and less-neutral.

Goals of New Public Administration.

The goals of New Public Administration were focused on four major themes. The theme of relevance is more a reinterpretation than an original quest. Management-oriented public administration curriculum was found irrelevant and the demand was to deal explicitly with the and administrative implications of administrative action.

The new movement demanded a radical curriculum change to facilitate meaningful studies oriented towards the realities of public life. Another goal was the normative concern in administrative analysis. Value Neutrality in Public Administration was an impossibility.

The new movement advocates openness about its values. Thirdly, it does not hesitate to demonstrate their open partisanship. The protagonists promote Social Equity and openly side with the socially deprived groups.

Lastly, to serve the cause of social equity is to actively work for social change. Its positive value lies in bringing public administration closer to political science. Its aim is to attack on the status quo and powerful interests entrenched in the permanent institutions.

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New Trends in Public Administration.

There was a growing emphasis on social equity, increased administrative participation, administrative accountability innovativeness, in the new public administration. It was to seek a reduction of economic, social and psychic suffering through distributive functions.

Another landmark was the emergence of public choices proposed by Vincent Ostiom. It challenges the Weberian paradigm and preferred institutional pluralism in Government and public organizations on grounds of diverse consumer’s preferences. Thus new public administration sought to be “less generic” and more “public”, less “neutral” and more “normative” though not necessarily “less scientific.”

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