What is Dyadic Communication?

In Dyadic Communication, a person shares his thoughts with another person. The communicator can also use charts, graphs, animations, slides, music, sounds, video clips, his own voice, gestures, body language, facial expressions, written reports, and still images to tell what he wants to.

People working in firms, government departments as well as people discussing things in the groups of two.

They cannot afford to be impersonal with each other because they addressing each other by being physically present in a room, office, garden or at any other place.

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If they are talking over telephone, or cellular phone, they are again personal (to some extent) as voice of one person delivers many meanings and cues to the other person.

They are communicating with each other in an air of confidence and both the persons are confident that they are understanding each other.

They want results from each other. They want these results in a short time frame. This is called Dyadic Communication.

It is an example of two-way communication because every person would respond to the statements, documents, tables, and data provided by the other person.

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Example Two persons can exchange information and discuss topics that are of mutual interest. The topics could be politics, societal values, neighborhood, environment, sports, etc.

A person can talk to another person, or he can send a letter or document to him. He can also show him a visual clip, slide, diagram, chart, etc. Further, he can talk to him over telephone too.

Now-a-days, cellular phones are a popular form of communication for personal tete-a-tete. All these techniques are a part of Dyadic Communication.

Even if two persons are talking over telephone, their expressions, sights, disgruntled acknowledgements, and whispers can communicate a lot to each other.

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When they are engaged in a face-to-face meeting their body language tells the real tale.

Words also help them communicate so do documents. handshakes, products, charts, diagrams, samples of products, and live demonstrations.

There are eight media vehicles through which dyadic communication can be regulated. These media vehicles are:

Also read | Direct and Indirect Communication.

  1. Oral communication
  2. Communication through gesturese
  3. Communication through body language
  4. Documentary communication
  5. Pictorial communication
  6. Communication through available data
  7. Communication through numerical data
  8. Communication through products.
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