Bachelor of Social Work

Determination of fields of practice: Fields of case work or settings of case work are very broad. Many fields are taken up, on the basis of the following ...

The Principles of Recording: Accuracy: The information given by the case worker must be accurate and must not be changed by any means for the profit of the ...

Distinguish between Interview and Conversation. Conversation is a casual discussion between two or more people. Anything can be spoken in a conversation. There ...

The different purposes of interview are: Obtaining and Imparting Information: Social worker receives and gives information which is in regard of matters of ...

Termination: Skills in terminating the helping relationship are just as important as skills that are used in initiating and establishing the relationship. ...

Intervention. Strengths-oriented, social workers engaged in direct intervention or in case management refuse to identify clients according to their deficits or ...

Confidentiality: Confidentiality is a set of rules or a promise that limits access or places restrictions on certain types of information. Lawyers are ...

Arab Science: The Arabs traced the store of knowledge step by step back to the Greek works. They translated these writings, absorbed them and developed them ...

India has always believed in the harmonious relation between man and forces of nature and the importance of each season has been beautifully brought into light ...

Mughal painting is a particular style of Indian painting, generally confined to miniatures either as book illustrations or as.single works to be kept in ...

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