Mention, as to what advancements have been made in the production of the following alternate foods: (a) Milk, (b) Fish, (c) Broiler, (d) Eggs.

  1. Milk: Presently we have half a million good dairy cows and 25 million buffaloes that yield 1000-1500 liters of milk per lactation. Cross-breeds yielding about 3000 liters of milk per lactation have been developed in’our country.
  2. Fish: Today, India ranks eighth in the world as far as fish production is concerned, still there is considerable scope in this field. The uses of advanced techniques, and mechanized boats, etc. have been of great help. In inland fisheries, composite fish culture has great potential for high yield and better resource utilization.
  3. Broiler: Intensive research work has enabled to evolve many good, high yielding strains of broilers. Also now, methods are available for the efficient use of feed. More live-weight broiler can be produced in less of feed.
  4. Eggs: The production of eggs has also gone up in recent years. Also now more eggs can be obtained by less of feed inputs to the poultry.
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