Complete Butt Workout – Only in 10 Minutes

On today lifestyle our butt is also a part of fashion. And everyone wants it to make it fit. Our glutes are the biggest muscle in our whole body. And it is very important for stabilizing your body while you work out, run, or just live your damn life. To make our glutes fit just 10 minutes butt workout in enough in a day.
Along with exercise you also need to add some healthy food, Tropical Fruit is the best. Also try to add low Cholesterol food to your diet for better result. You could also add some types of nuts to your diet such as Walnuts. Walnuts have incredible health benefits.
Also make sure your liver also clean and healthy because your liver performs more than 500 important functions in the body. Removing waste and toxins is most important amongst them.
Here we mentioned 10-Minute Butt exercises which give shape to your glutes, and make your leg stronger. Before perform workout make sure you take less than 30 second rest after each lap. “Someone said: Less rest, make the result best”.
List of 7 Best Butt Exercises
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Double Pulse Sumo Squat

- Plant both feet on the floor wider than hip-width apart.
- As you inhale, bend at the hips and knees, ensuring that your knees remain in line with your feet.
- Continue bending your knees are parallel with the ground. Try to set your back remains with in 45-90 degree angle.
- Stretch your legs and Push through your heels. Then, immediately bend your knees to go back to the squat.
- Exhale as you push your heels and extend your legs to go back to the beginning position.
- Do this 12 time, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
Kneeling Side Kicks

- Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders.
- Keep your right knee bent at 90 degrees and lift it out to the side as high as you can. Engage and lift from your butt.
- Lower back down to starting position.
- Do this 12 time with both legs, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
Sumo Pulse Squats

- Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width or as much as you can, toes pointed out, holding the weights in front of your body with your palms facing each other.
- Lower your butt a few inches toward the ground as shown in figure, keeping your back straight and chest up.
- Stand back up just a few inches, and then immediately lower back down, in a pulsing movement.
- Do this 12 time, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
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Single-Leg Glute Bridge

- Lay Bend your left knee and then place your foot within reach of the fingertips that are left.
- Stretch your right leg straight in front of you or upward toward the ground. Allow your arms to rest onto the mat by your sides. This is your starting place.
- As you exhale, press your heels into the mat, then activate your glutes, and then raise your pelvis off the floor until your body forms a straight line from chin to knee.
- Inhale as you decrease your pelvis.
- Do this 12 time, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
Glute Kickback

- Plant both feet onto the floor hip-width apart.
- Inhale, and as you exhale discharge kick your heels behind you, ensuring that your leg is straight and your foot remains flexed and your toes face forward.
- Do this 12 time with both legs, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

- Plant both feet. This is the starting position.
- Inhale as you bend your left knee slightly. Without altering the angle of your left knee, hinge forward from the hips until your torso is parallel to the ground, extending your right leg behind you. Extend your arms as you maintain your hips square. You should feel tension in your left hamstring (back from the leg).
- Exhale as your heel is pushed through by you and, using your glutes and hamstrings, then stretch your hips to return to the starting position.
- Do this 12 time with both legs & arms, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
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Diagonal Squat Walk

- Stand with both feet planted together on the floor. Look straight forward and bend in the knees and hips, keeping your knees.
- Keeping both of your buttocks, take a step forward and outward with your left foot.
- Step your right foot in toward your left foot and forwards to go back to the squat position.
- Have a step forward and out with your right foot followed by the left foot.
- Do this 12 time, and 3 sets, take with 30 seconds rest after each set.
Keep in mind, rest is important during exercise set or lap. Rest during and after exercise is not the waste of time. It’s actually the part of exercise and helps you to quickly reach your fitness goal.