Impact of Aquatic Pollution on Humans Health
Aquatic Pollution effects on Humans.
The water is easily polluted by physical and chemical agents present in the atmosphere, microbial disease causing germs, nuisance organisms like slime, molluses, sewage and industrial effluent and agricultural based effluents. All these pollutants effect our health by causing various diseases. They also effect our other resources such as animals, forests etc. on which we directly and indirectly depend for food and survival.
Water as a Carrier for the Transmission of Diseases:
A number of microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, protozoans, insects and helminthes etc.) present in polluted water can cause infectious diseases. These diseases are called water-borne diseases. These water-borne diseases can be present in the form of outbreaks. This usually happens if the dose of contamination is heavy. Cholera and Jaundice (hepatitis) usually occur in the form of outbreaks, which can be very explosive.
However, when contaminated water is treated or not used, the outbreak subsides (e.g. in the case of cholera). The following table gives diseases caused by microorganisms commonly in the polluted water. These diseases are an important cause of ill health particularly among the people of the developing countries.
Diseases Caused by Microorganisms Commonly in Polluted Water

Chemical Toxic-ants in Water Affecting Health:
We are aware that there are a number of chemicals in drinking water. These may be naturally occurring or reach the water due to human activities. The presence of these chemicals in water do not pose health problems if their levels are below the threshold level.
However, if these toxic-ants are present in excessive amounts, their presence is a matter of great concern since excessive amounts are detrimental to the health. Various chemicals which may pose a threat are: Fluoride, Arsenic, Lead Nitrates, Pesticides, Cadmium, Chromium and Cobalt.