Nature of Dhamma Propagated by Ashoka.


Ashoka was one such ruler of India, who made many efforts for the moral development of the people. The ideas which made moral progress possible were called Dhamma in the writings of Ashoka. The Ashoka Dhamma has been explained in second and seventh pillar edicts as  Dhamma is to do generous acts, not to indulge in sins, adopting soft behavior towards others etc.

Non-violence, respects to father mother and elders, obedienance were also emphasised. The teacher pupil relationship is also very important aspect of dhamma Meagre income and meagre expenditure are also important aspects of Dhamma. These things make if cheer that Ashoka’s Dhamma was a religion for the common people and the basic principles of this Dhamma were common to all religions. No religions or sect Was to be against these basic principles. During the time of Ashoka, there were followers of many sects and there were chances of some hostility among them. Ashoka’s Dhamma was an attempt to establish a king of harmony among them. Ashoka not only emphasised on tolerance but also urged the people to know more and more about other’s religions.

Ashoka believed that knowing more about other’s religion wound lead to more and more religions virtues among the people. Ashoka’s Dhamma was different from his personal religion which was Buddhism. Ashoka Dhamma was for laity, for the humanity. He worked zealously for the spread of the Dhamma.

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